OneCNC Series Updates

This is a history of all OneCNC updates.

You may notice sometimes there can be a jump in version numbers.

This is due to intensive and continual internal testing where we thoroughly test versions before releasing proven functional updates.

To download updates, see our OneCNC Updates page.

OneCNCXR5 30.54

There are some new additions changes and adjustments to this version and they apply to all versions of OneCNCXR5

New Feature for OneCNCXR5 Mill Expert
OneCNCXR5 Mill Expert now supports Slot Tools for undercut machining. This allows for a far increased undercut than the Lollypop tool which previously was the only tool automatically supported. This Slot tool ability allows for a sharp edged tool (both edges) or a edge radius tool (both edges radius) support.

New Feature for OneCNCXR5 Lathe Expert
OneCNCXR5 Lathe Expert Multi Axis now supports Slot Tools for undercut machining. This allows for a far increased undercut than the Lollypop tool which previously was the only tool automatically supported. This Slot tool ability allows for a sharp edged tool (both edges) or a edge radius tool (both edges radius) support.

Changes for all CAM versions of OneCNCXR5
There is a changed dialog for the Job Sheet to assist users using a low resolution laptop. This enables the control buttons to be accessed more easily.

New updated languages were introduced to support the lather functionality.

Windows 8
Adjustments were made for OneCNCXR5 to support the new Windows 8 operating system. It is not officially approved as yet for Windows 8 because the Windows 8 is not yet realeaed in the final version.

OneCNCXR5 Mill Manual
There is a new OneCNCXR5 Printed Version Mill Manual now available. Please contact your support office to receive your copy.

Other Adjustments
Other adjustments applied to Z level roughing, Z level Flat Machining,  Z level roughing and Z level Rest Roughing machining. These apply to ongoing tolerance adjustments.


OneCNCXR5 30.47

This up date applies to the Milling Versions of OneCNCXR5

These was an adjustment made to the Facing function Mill Expert Mill Professional Mill Advantage and Mill Express.

 There were additions to the language translations for that function.


OneCNCXR5 30.46

This is an important release because it corrects a problem in Mill versions using traditional pocket.

There was a problem reported in traditional pocket in certain circumstances and settings and this important update is released to correct this.

In other OneCNCXR5 versions such as lathe Wire EDM the update is mainly language corrections changes and additions.

There are also a number of minor corrections doe to reports and internal quality checking.

There are also 6 new languages to reflect the changes and additional functionality.

OneCNCXR5 30.46 is now available in the update server.